Hello Again! It’s been a while since I last posted, but a lot has happened ~ so let’s begin :))
On Monday, June 24th, we accompanied Dr. Emin Rivera on a visit to Hospital Maternidad la Altagracia. During our visit, we met with Dr. Kathy Rodriguez, a neonatologist at the hospital, and toured one of the largest and most well-equipped NICUs we have encountered. However, similar to our previous visits to other hospitals, they also faced an issue with insufficient functional incubator beds capable of providing proper warmth to the babies and equipped with a temperature sensor for healthcare professionals to monitor. As a makeshift solution, many babies use the incubator beds but rely on heat supplied by a gooseneck lamp, which necessitates regular staff intervention to ensure adequate warmth for the babies.

Dr. Kathy Rodriguez emphasized several critical factors in the design of the incubator: height (distance from the warming lights to the bed), types of light bulbs used, temperature supply and regulation, humidity monitoring (if using a closed incubator system), and sides that can flip down completely, allowing easy access to the baby on the warming bed.

Dr. Rodriguez also provided feedback on DOFMI’s current prototype designed by Jhonson and suggested ways it can be modified to better fit their needs. While the mechanical design is still being improved, Dr. Rivera’s students will be working on the electrical systems for temperature and humidity supply/regulation concurrently this semester. We had the opportunity to listen to their preliminary ideas during their Microcontroller class on Wednesday, and it will be exciting to see the final incorporation with the new warming bed design; their systems diagram was a throwback to senior design hahaha. In the future, DOFMI plans to donate these new incubators to clinics around the DR that are facing a shortage of proper warming beds.
During our visits to different public hospitals in the DR, I could not help but wonder if there was a way to 1) categorize the type malfunctioning system(s) in the incubator + how it could be fixed 2) design a device/system that could be incorporated into the existing systems.This approach could potentially provide a way to repurpose the hospital’s incubators, addressing issues with individual components that may not be working. It was incredibly special to be a part of this process—both in hearing Dr. Rodriguez identify needs and in witnessing the innovative solutions healthcare professionals and students brainstormed to solve these problems.
Early on Wednesday, June 26th, we returned to Los Minas Hospital where our day began with morning rounds alongside Dr. Ravelo Soto, Chief Pediatric Surgeon, and his team of residents. During this visit, we had the opportunity to introduce No Mo’ Silo and learn about their current solution for gastroschisis: the ABS Silo bag. Invented by three doctors (Abello, Brito, and Svetliza) in Latin America, this polyethylene bag is partially folded around a circular feeding tube, sutured to the desired radius. Unlike No Mo’ Silo, the ABS Silo bag is designed for single use and does not utilize IV bags or oxygen tubing, with the former not commonly available in the hospital setting. This innovative design has been successfully used at Los Minas for a decade, demonstrating the hospital’s commitment to leveraging locally developed solutions to enhance patient outcomes.

To celebrate the conclusion of our first month, we decided to explore Hoyo Claro, a natural pool, and Punta Cana, following recommendations from our new friends. From the serene waters of Macao Beach to adventurous buggy rides and discovering Dominican coffee and chocolate, we cherished every moment. And just like that, our first four weeks here have come to an end—which is so hard to believe!
As we prepared for tropical storms related to Hurricane Beryl, my first week in July began with a meeting with Fausto, an electrical engineering student from UNAPEC. Since I had presented ScarStretch to him two weeks earlier, I wanted to delve deeper into alternative motor suggestions, code improvements, and features of the device he liked or disliked. We brainstormed ways to reduce the size of the controller and identified potential features that doctors here would find valuable. His feedback was immensely valuable, especially considering my non-electrical background, and I thoroughly enjoyed discussing my ideas with him. Next week, we look forward to visiting Dr. Kevin Eusebio at the burn unit in Robert Reid Children’s Hospital to demonstrate ScarStretch and gather his insights.
During the week, we finalized our internal Pumani Survey to assess the utility and functionality of Rice360’s Pumani bCPAP device at clinical sites across the country. By having a healthcare representative complete this survey at each hospital equipped with a Pumani, we aim to gain insight into its usage and familiarity in the Dominican Republic. After meeting with Dr. Floren, we are excited to begin disseminating the survey and initiating data collection next week.
On Thursday, July 4th, we visited Los Minas Hospital to shadow Dr. Colon, Chief Resident of Gynecology, who provided us with a tour of the NICU and delivery areas. During our visit, a neonatology resident explained that the two Pumanis in the NICU are not currently in use, and many staff members are unfamiliar with their operation. I plan to collaborate with George on converting the existing English pamphlet for the Pumani into a user-friendly guide with illustrations for unfamiliar users. Dr. Colon also introduced us to the stimulation room, where we learned about female anatomy and the techniques for conducting vaginal tests. This space is equipped with various models and equipment that residents can utilize to practice alongside their studies and rotations!

As we approach the final three weeks in the DR, I’m filled with the same excitement and curiosity as when I first arrived. It is not to say my internship has been different than what I expected, but rather unique in the best way possible. During my time here, I have been able to work on and learn about multiple projects, providing the opportunity to understand a wide range of needs and be part of the efforts to address them—something I could not have imagined. This experience has left me more open to change and eager to embrace new challenges in the future. In the coming weeks, I look forward to continuing to research and contribute to the different projects and adapt them to address the needs and settings of DR!!
Until then,
Extra Photos: Over the weekend, we visited the Santo Domingo Zoo which had a free train that took us to the different enclosures.